The invitation to give freely and cheerfully:
Jesus invites us to live in just the same way today as He did with His first friends years ago: “Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8). Paul reminded the early Christians that “…God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)
The joy and privilege of consistent giving:
Each worship service when we bring our tithes and offerings, we are exercising the ministry of giving.
- Giving freely was recommended by Jesus (Matthew 10:8)
- Giving is to be undertaken generously (Romans 12:8)
- We are directed to be ministering through our finance weekly (1 Cor 16:2)
- The Bible tells us that our giving should be exercised cheerfully (2 Cor 9:7)
The giving at least a tenth of income is the goal of many.
What happens to our offerings?
Our weekly offerings support every aspect of our church’s life: all our activities and leadership costs.
The ways we give:
Here are three ways in which you can support our life, witness and service:
1: Giving via the weekly envelope:
The envelopes are dated for each Sunday. This means that you can remain regular with your giving even when you are not able to be in attendance – your envelopes will remind you of the Sundays missed and you can easily keep up to date. The envelope is for cash and cheques.
2: Direct debits, planned payments and deductions…
Electronic giving via direct debits, periodic payments or payroll deductions are the most helpful way in which you can provide financial support to the fellowship….
- A direct debit is a convenient and secure way to give and ensures that that your support of our life and witness continues without interruption during holiday periods and other absences.
- Periodic payments are similar to direct debits however these are organized with your own bank (for a fee per transaction) or via Internet banking, usually without a fee (depending on your account conditions).
3: Giving via your credit card…
If you would like your regular giving to be by credit card, you can arrange this with the Treasurer who will provide you with the correct authorization form. It is recommended that this be a monthly amount to reduce banking charges.
- Tithes and offerings may be deposited electronically. For periodic payments or payroll deductions, if possible, please nominate “Offering” as the type of credit along with your name (optional) on the bank/employer’s form so that the Treasurer is able to identify offerings when received
Please speak to our Treasurer David Hein at Church or contact him on 5523 3958 for appropriate account details.